Showing 49–57 of 57 results
xiao feng san
Please login to see the price.Eliminate the Wind Powder, The Great Windkeeper, Wind Toxin Formula, Derma Wind release
Disperses wind, eliminates dampness, cools heats, and cools the blood. Skin Rash due to Dampness and Heat.
xiao yao san
Please login to see the price.Tang Kuei / Bupleurum Combination, Rambling Powder, Free & Easy Wanderer, Rambling Powder, Liver Happy, Relaxed Wanderer, Bupleurum & Tang Kuei, Rambling Ease Powder
Spreads the liver qi, strengthens the spleen, and nourishes the blood. The most widely used formula for Liver Qi stagnation causing bloating, irritability, anxiety. Liver Qi Stagnation.
xue fu zhu yu tang
Please login to see the price.Drive out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Powder, Blood’s Mansion, Blood’s Palace, Persica & Carthamus combination
Invigorates the blood, disperses blood stasis, spreads the qi of the liver, and unblocks the channel. Pain due to Blood Stasis in the Chest, Menstrual Irregularities from Blood Stasis.
yi guan jian
Please login to see the price.Linking Powder, Gracious Power, Glehnia and Rehmannia Combination
Enriches the yin and spreads the liver qi. Liver and kidney yin vacuity with liver Qi stagnation.
yin qiao san
Please login to see the price.Lonicera & Forsynthia Formula, Honeysuckle & Forsythia Formula, Yin Chiao
Disperses wind-heat, clears heat, and relieves toxicity.
you gui wan
Please login to see the price.Restore the Right, Eucommia & Rehmannia Formula, Replenish the Right Powder, Eucommia & Rehmannia combination
Warms and tonifies the kidney yang, replenishes the essence and tonifies the blood. Kidney Yang Vacuity.
zhi bai di huang wan
Please login to see the price.Anmarrhena, Phellodendron, & Rehmannia, Temper Fire, APR Nourishing Formula, Rehmannia & Scrophularia Formula
For yin deficiency with vigorous fire and consumptive heat characterized by panting at night, also for urinary difficulty and lower back pain from damp heat in the lower burner. Excellent for easing signs due to Yin vacuity Heat: malaise, irritability,, low back pain, dry mouth, night panting.
zhu ling tang
Please login to see the price.Polyporus Powder
Promotes urination, clears heat, and nourishes the yin.
zuo gui wan
Please login to see the price.Restore the Left Powder, Graceful Transition, Restore the Left Kidney Pill, Replenish The Left Powder, Cyathula & Rehmannia combination
Nourishes the yin and enriches the kidneys